Description: Calculate optimal pipe diameters and pump specifications to ensure efficient fluid transport in piping systems.For efficient transfer of fluids in industries it is very important to have optimum pipe size so that friction losses are reduced. At the same time engineers who are doing designing of pipe and pump systems should design the equipments efficiently. Useful for both maintenace engineers to know the optimum sizeand modify pipes as well as pumps with renewed size pipe and pump head to achieve best efficiency.
Description: This calculator assists in designing pneumatic conveyors, focusing on dilute-phase transfer of powders. It calculates air velocity, pressure drops, and power requirements, commonly used in pharmaceutical and food industries. Among various designs, it identifies those meeting pressure requirements of 20,000 to 60,000 Pascals. Roots blowers, available within these pressure ranges, fulfill the system's needs. It serves as a handy tool for designers performing basic engineering in pneumatic conveying systems.
Description: This calculator determines the speed, fill factor, and optimal minimum dimensions (length and diameter) for a ball mill. It requires the Bond Index for the material, which can be sourced online, as an input. The tool calculates dimensions for various fill factors, representing the percentage of the mill's volume filled with grinding media and material. Key to its operation is the rotation of the mill around its central axis. It helps optimize grinding efficiency by providing precise design parameters..
Description: This calculator computes the speed, fill factor, and optimal minimum dimensions (length and diameter) for a ball mill. The Bond Index for the material, which must be sourced online, is a required input. It provides dimensions for various fill factors, representing the percentage of the mill volume occupied by grinding media and material. For large ball mills, the rotation is centered on the cylinder's diameter using girth gears. Useful for engineers estimating basic dimensions and for fabricators and contractors planning ball mill installations.
Description: This calculator determines the speed, diameter, and power requirements of axial flow fans, commonly used in cooling towers. It accounts for discharge hood length as the primary duct length, assuming minimal suction losses. External air conditions, especially in windy environments, significantly impact power needs for discharging air. Input flow rate, discharge duct length, and external air velocity to calculate optimal fan dimensions. Suitable for engineers designing cooling towers and industrial cooling systems, with a focus on energy efficiency and compact designs using low-rpm fans with gearboxes.
Description: This calculator evaluates the liquid-side and air-side heat transfer coefficients, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, and LMTD for a specified number of tubes. It aids in basic engineering of liquid-to-air heat exchangers by providing estimated dimensions. If the calculated LMTD does not meet requirements, engineers can adjust the heat exchanger length to achieve desired results. Doubling the length reduces the LMTD by half, following an inverse proportionality. Useful for designing efficient heat exchangers with optimized dimensions.
Description: This calculator evaluates the airflow requirement for a cooling tower having specific approach from 5degrees to 10degrees and cooling water from inlet temperature to outlet temperature with the ambient air with the specified dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.Utilise this calculator along with axial flow fan calculator to arrive at the fan dimensions.
Description: This calculator evaluates the kw heat recovery from waste heat water source in industry. It estimates the Evaporator, Condenser, turbine, Ammonia pump power and also the various piping requirement for the equipment. ORC equipments are energy recovery equipment and are finding useful applications in industries having waste heat.
Description: This calculator evaluates the liquid-side and second liquid-side heat transfer coefficients, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, and LMTD for a specified number of tubes. It aids in basic engineering of liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers by providing estimated dimensions.
Description: This calculator evaluates the liquid-side and second vapor-side heat transfer coefficients, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, and LMTD for a specified number of tubes. It aids in basic engineering of liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers by providing estimated dimensions.